
We have answers.
Or we’ll find the answer for you.
Rally Point is a safety net for veterans, service members and their families.
The field meaning of Rally Point is a secure position, a place to come together, where positive things happen even when surrounded by apparent threats. Rally Point is a way out of danger. It means hope.
Rally Point is largely staffed by veterans. That means when you contact Rally Point, the person you talk to will understand where you are, what you are going through, and what kind of help you need.
Click on the email link below and tell us what’s going on in your life, what you’re feeling, and what would help. We’ll get your email to the right people and they’ll get back to you within 24 hours with some specific suggestions and more information.
BUT – if this is an emergency, if you’re thinking about doing harm to yourself or someone else,
don’t wait, call our HOT LINE 1-855-RALLY4U (1-855-725-5948)
If you know someone who appears to be in crisis, use the HOT LINE now.
Contact us via email:
An Initiative of La Frontera Arizona in partnership with the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services.