The War At Home

The War at Home
- Ryan sleeps with his gun because the nighttime is a nightmare.
- Sharon can’t get a job or hold one, so she drinks heavily until she forgets.
- John lost his house, was thrown out of an apartment, and now sleeps in the street.
- Paul can’t control his anger.
- Martin is emotionally numb; nothing seems to matter.
- Shakina can’t sleep at night but she can’t stay awake during the day to care for her daughter safely.
- Raul has headaches and every loud sound causes pain.
- Beth has no appetite and is constantly depressed.
- Jose is hyper-vigilant and tense all the time.
- David is frequently in trouble with the law.
- Ray abuses his wife and feels awful after every incident.
- And last year, more than 6,000 veterans and service members died by suicide.
If you or someone you care about is dealing with one or more of these issues, call the Rally Point Hot Line now. 1-855-RALLY4U (1-855-725-5948). We can help.
An Initiative of La Frontera Arizona in partnership with the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services.